From, "Meow" to "ROAR!" with Video

Finally got off my ass and drilled out the baffles on the motorcycle.  All I gotta say is, "Holy shit."  Yeah, its that loud.  The youtube videos don't do it justice.  My neighbors were already giving me the mean mug when I first fired it up.  Ah well.  But for those that want to do this, its pretty easy.

First you'll need a 1 3/4 holesaw with bi-metal. I got mine from Home Depot for about 14-17 bucks, I don't remember exactly.  Grab a drill and the top exhaust is the easy one.  Go straight and go to town.  I varied the pressure applied every 10 seconds or so and drilled through the first baffle in about an minute or so.  You're gonna have to get some needle nose pliers to wiggle the baffle out.

The second exhaust is the harder one.  You'll need about a 10" extension for the drill and a 12mm wrench to loosen a mount.  I loosened the two 12mm bolts under the upper exhaust and pried it down to get some clearance for the holesaw.  I actually went a bit sideways when I first started and as the drill went further in, I straighted out and bam!  Just a bit harder than the first one.  No pics of the process cuz its pretty self explainatory.  But here's a pic of it afterwards, metal shavings and all.

Notice you're only drilling through a small portion of the baffle, probably a quarter inch before all you need to do is wiggle it out.

A pic before I went on a test ride:

And another one just because I liked the way it turned out.

Now for the vid.  No before vid cuz I figured, if you're looking at this thinking about doing the mod, chances are you know what a stock VLX sounds like.

Next up, solo bobber seat--which i ordered a couple days ago--and lowering this bitch.  Then I'll think about what to do with the handlebars.  Got a few ideas but gonna kick 'em around for awhile.

Fixie Monkey Bicycle

Gasp!  I called it a fixie.  Whatever, I just realized that I haven't posted pics of my rig after finishing it up.  Well the only thing I added to it since its been put together are some better pedals and a front brake.  Rode it a couple times without one and its as retarded as I thought it is.  Anyhow, saving up for a Mavic Ellipse rear wheel to finish it off.  Maybe next year or when I get bored I'll paint the frame.  Who knows.  Pics!

Here she is right after I put the seat on

My first trek with her out in the wild.. sans brakes.. :O

Huckleberry Chen/Chan

What a year!  First a motorcycle, then graduation and now this.  A dog.  We've only had her since Wednesday and shit it feels like I have a kid.  The first two nights were great, she was so doped up on meds that she just slept.  When she was up, she was so well behaved.  Then on the third night it was like Who Let the Mangy Pound Dog Out??

Anyhow she's an puggle, we didn't know until we google'd Pug/Beagle mixes unknown mutt.  Luckily she looks more like a beagle, a dog I've always liked anyway.  I would left her ass to rot if she looked like a pug.. hahah.  Oh and we rescued her from the pound.  Yeah, I'm into that kind of thing.

You know, helping out animals.  Yeah fucking right.  I was too cheap to spend $800 bucks on a dog!  Hahah, seriously though,  lets just keep it real now.  Most people who adopt, adopt for the same reason as me.  But the difference is, they like to spin it like they're some sort of self righteous do gooder in this world.  If saying this makes you angry, then maybe I'm right?  If not, kudos to you.  Have fun with kennel cough!

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